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PC Cheats - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
Aliens Vs. Predator 2
Updated at 11:31 AM
Cheat mode: Press [Enter] during game play, type one of the following codes, then press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function. The sound of the predators mask switching vision types will confirm correct code entry. Note: There is a space between and the remaining portion of each code.
Effect Code Toggle invincibility mpcanthurtme All weapons and ammo mpschuckit Full armor mpsmithy Full ammunition mpkohler Full ammunition mpstockpile Unlimited ammunition mpbunker Level select for all three species mpxfiles Teleport to level start with default conditions mpbeamme Set health to indicated number mpdoctordoctor Change into indicated character type mpmorph Toggle no clipping mpsixthsense Toggle third person view mpicu Toggle speed display mptachometer Toggle size display mpsizeme Toggle rotation display mpgrs Show position info on/off mpgps Use keys to edit FOV value mpfov Use keys to edit vertext tint mpvertextint Use keys to edit light amplification mplightadd Use keys to edit light scale mplightscale Use keys to edit weapon breach mpbreach Use keys to edit weapon offset 1 mpwmpos Use keys to edit weapon offset 2 mpwpos Unknown mpreloadbutes Unknown mptriggers Unknown mpmph Unknown mpmillertime Unknown mpconfig Unknown mpdeathtoall
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character types: Use one of the following entries with the mpmorph code.
alien apesuit chestburster combatsynth convict drone droppilot drunkardtechmale eisenberg exosuit facehugger femalelabsynth femalelabtech grenadier guard guard1 guard2 guard3 guardofficer harrison hazmat heavypredator laboror lightpredator malelabsynth malelabtech marine marine duke mccain meanguard merc1 merc2 merc3 merc4 mhawkpredator minigunner obrian officer pocguard pocofficer praetorian predalien predator pulseriflegirl pulserifleguy queen railgunner runner rykov rykovjr sadargunner scientist scientist1 scientist2 scientist3 scientistchief smartgunner smuggler tamiko Hint: Strange guard voices: Enable the mpmillertime code and go to any level. Go near a guard and he will have a high voice and sounded as if he is drunk.
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